No matter where you come from and what products you use, come to join Groomer to Groomer Magazine & OPAWZ Model Dog Creative Grooming Contest!

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Contest Time: June 1st to July 30th

Entries Approach: Groomers worldwide create unique grooming designs with Model Dog and Wigs. Take at least 3 pictures of your work (1 front and 2 profile on each side, or a short video of the whole design). Each groomer can upload a maximum of 2 designs.

Evaluation: Share your 3 pictures or video to Groomer to Groomer & OPAWZ Model Dog Creative Grooming Contest Facebook Event page ( All the creative grooming works will be liked by all the audience. Judges will evaluate the top 10 groomers who get the most likes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.

Judge: Isabella Jane Doblas Jones, and Dawn Omboy.


1st place (for 1 person): US$1000 Cash Reward. And the work will be published in Groomer to Groomer magazine on a full page spread with photos and an article about the groomer and their work.

2nd place (for 2 people): US$500 valued Bathing System, and Creative Grooming products from OPAWZ

3rd place (for 3 people): US$300 valued Asian Fusion Grooming Shear, and Creative Grooming Products from OPAWZ

Purchase an OPAWZ Model Dog and join the contest now!


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